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Unravelling Your Family’s Past

History buffs and family tree enthusiasts, welcome! Ever wondered about your ancestors’ lives? Where did they come from, what they did, and how they shaped the Canada we know today? Well, you’re in luck! Library and Archives Canada (LAC) is a treasure trove of information, holding the key to unlocking your family’s past. LAC is more than just a library; it’s the keeper of Canada’s memory, safeguarding the country’s history from its earliest days to the present. And for those of us interested in genealogy, it’s a goldmine! Think about it: census records, naturalization records, immigration records, and military records – these are just a few of the resources available at LAC that can help you piece together your family’s story. Imagine finding your great-grandparents’ names on a census record, or discovering the ship your ancestor sailed on to Canada! It’s like stepping back in time and connecting with your family in a whole new way. So, how do you get started? Well, LAC has a wealth o
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