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Showing posts from September, 2023

Has Orangeville Stalled its Growth?

According to Dufferin’s Spotlight , Orangeville has reached its corporate municipal limit and a strategic policy approach is needed to allocate growth to 2051. The town is expected to require 25 hectares of additional land to reach an estimated population of 38,636 people and 73.5 hectares for commercial and institutional land needs for the town to carry a predicted 21,499 jobs. However, significant growth is not expected in Dufferin County due to environmental constraints that restrict the ability to provide long-term water and wastewater services to accommodate growth in Orangeville.

It's Worth the Price

In a consumer survey reported in AdWeek, the top reason for repeat purchases was "it's worth the price."  Respondents' felt there was a decent match between the cost and the value received. You might think the calculation of cost versus benefit is beyond your control as a marketer.  Actually there is much you can do to influence that assessment by shoppers and customers. First, understand that people may not know or remember what competitors charge.  If this comparison puts you in a good light, let people know before they buy. As they continue to do business with you, show how you stack up pricewise.

You Can Cater to Niche AND General Markets

Budding consultants and new service providers often make a basic mistake.  Too often they follow the idea that they'll have an easier launch if they select a niche of customers to go after. The problem arises when they have to turn away those outside the niche who are willing to pay. What can result is a disjointed marketing plan. They develop pitches to a defined subgroup of customers. At the same time they try to welcome one and all. This dissuades those who'd rather do business with a specialist.

Focus on the Benefits

When was the last time you bought a car? Did you really NEED a car? I mean REALLY need a car? Chances are the one you were driving was still running when you bought the car you have now. North Americans rarely buy because they need... they buy because they want to experience the feeling that comes with buying. We enjoy new purchases. Sure, we can convince ourselves that we really needed a new one, but if we're totally honest we'll have to admit that would could've got by without it. What does this mean to your advertising campaign?

What Makes an Authoritative Writer?

It is important to make sure your readers realize that you know what's what in your field. What you write doesn't matter as much as how you write it. There are ways to make an authoritative impression: Be bold and confident when you state a point of view.  Do not introduce your views with "I think" or "I believe". This only makes you seem tentative or timid.  Being somewhat controversial or surprising helps.